Support Revisitor
Revisitor is still under construction. As you might know, I didn't really do much in the last years. But actually, I am working on a complete rebuild of the site. You will be able to change password or get a new password if you lost it, edit entries, and advertise on Revisitor. The design will get some changes, too. But this all takes a lot of time and hard work for me. If you want to support me, please be my referral at one of the following sites:
Bitcoins sites:
I guess most of you know bitcoins. Here are some faucets and other sites where you can get bitcoins.
- - A german bitcoin market with high security standards. No faucet or other earnings, but you can trade BTC and some other cryptocurrencies here.
- Rollercoin - Blay minigames and get virtual mining-power. Mine bitcoins and withdraw them to your wallet. I recommend not to buy any miners there until there are special events with low prices.
- Cointiply - Good faucet and a lot of other earning offers.
- - There have been better times for this faucet. But with the random earnings and the lottery tickets, it is still worth claiming.
- Stockenz - A faucet where you can claim every 15 minutes and additionally once a day. Random reward up to $100 (0.01% chance).
In the german version (Click the german flag above) there are some additional sites, but their main language is german and you don't get cryptocurrencies there.